Spill Response Training and La Crosse Area Functional Exercise and the After-Action Report

October 2, 2014

Agenda, participants, and notes from the spill response training and functional exercise (La Crosse, Wisconsin)

A crude oil spill functional exercise was held October 3, 2014 at the Stoney Creek Inn in Onalaska, Wisconsin and at a nearby field location in La Crosse, Wisconsin, as part of a three day spill readiness training and exercise event. It included the operation of a large command post, concurrent on-water deployment of deflection and containment boom, as well as simulated oiled-wildlife collection and rehabilitation efforts by emergency responders and natural resource professionals. The exercise also integrated real-time on-water and community air monitoring and the use of state communications assets. This drill was sponsored by the inter-agency Upper Mississippi River Hazardous Spills Coordination Group and was held in follow-up to a multi-jurisdictional table top exercise in April 2014.